Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Eau and Stuart and John scored 100% on their reading vocabulary. WAY TO GO! Because of changes in how we do vocab your child more than likely will have homework from now until the end of the year. If you ask and they say they dont and you have questions, call me. I will be at the school late probbaly every day as my college has started up again. Mikey, Stuart, Donnie and Eau have also started their level math assessment. It is 22 pages long so give them encouragement at home to do well so we can move them up to the next level. 6 more days until the start of volleyball practice. Dont forget that the teachers have inservice this month. Sergie, Kalleigh and Jordan are doing their HSGQE testing this week. Sergie and Jordan on Wednesday and Kalleigh on Thuirsday. Today we had a drill and everyone did a great job. Thanks to Mike Meyers for giving us tips and professional advice to run these drills. John

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